Werrington Public School

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P&C Christmas Raffle

Christmas raffle

Dear Families,

The P&C are holding a Christmas Raffle to raise money for our school.

So far the prizes include:

  • A giant chocolate bag
  • 1 X $50 Eftpos gift voucher
  • 2 X $100 Bunnings vouchers
  • A portable BBQ (great for camping)

Any other donations would still be very welcome!

Tickets are $1 each or 3 for $2. Raffle tickets will be sent home with students and will also be available for sale at the Election cake stall on Saturday 4th of December. Please return tickets to school by Monday 13th December. You can also print your own tickets at home - download them here.

Winners will be drawn at the end of year Assemblies in week 11.