28 Apr 2022

Dear Parent/Carer
Opportunity classes cater for academically gifted and high potential students who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates at their own academic and social level. Students successfully placed will usually have to leave their current school to enrol in a school with an opportunity class for Years 5 and 6.
Testing and assessment
Applications for opportunity class placement are considered on the results of the Opportunity Class Placement Test alone. Students who wish to be considered for opportunity class placement will sit the Opportunity Class Placement Test on Thursday 28 July 2022.
How to apply
If you would like to have your child considered for Year 5 opportunity class entry in 2023, you need to apply between Tuesday 26 April 2022 and Friday 13 May 2022. You will need to access the online application at https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/selective-high-schools-and-opportunity-classes/year-5 . You must not use the child’s email address. Late applications are not usually accepted.
If you do not have internet access, you could apply at a public library. If you have a disability that prevents you from using a computer, you can contact the High Performing Students Team for assistance after Tuesday 26 April 2022. Contact details can be found on the website shown below.
You must submit only ONE application for each student.
Please click here for the 'Intention to Apply' note which needed to returned to school by Friday 6th May 2022.
Please follow this link for more information about applying for Year 5 entry to an opportunity class in 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Christine Avery